Sunday, September 4, 2011

George McFly's House (1955)

This is the house where George McFly lived in Back to the Future. It's a cool looking home, and I decided I wanted to plank on the front porch. The house looked inviting, so I knocked on the front door and a young woman answered--she saw my camera and knew why I was there before I said a word. She was very friendly and told me people stop frequently because many houses on the street have been used as movie sets, including a couple of others in Back to the Future, Teen Wolf, and Old School. She offered to help take my photo. I thanked her, but told her I could do it myself. I didn't tell her about the planking, and didn't take the photo until she was out of sight, for fear she might not be familiar with this art form and ask me to leave. 
Back to the Future screenshot. 

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